Church Calendar
Additional Annual Events
Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! Psalm 133:1
We periodically hold events for our church that include the broader body of Christ, celebrating the unity we have in the gospel and growing together for the sake of the Kingdom.
Winter Ball
Typically the first week of January, we rejoice in the Lord’s provision of a new year by hosting an evening of family friendly social dancing, food, and drinks.
Church Conferences
We host, or co-sponsor with other churches, conferences to edify one another and seek new opportunities to glorify God together.
Past examples include:
Practical training in biblical counseling for church members,
Biblical counseling “refresher” for area pastors
Co-sponsored conference with Redeemer Bible Church and Cities Church on restoring biblical femininity.
Joint Services
We have, on occasion, joined with other churches to have special services together, such as Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and even weddings.